Law enforcement conducts searches of peer-to-peer file sharing websites using common keyword terms used in the world of child pornography.Several techniques are used by law enforcement officials to catch individuals allegedly engaged in the possession of or some other activity involving child pornography. With pornography involving children in your possession, you may unexpectedly find yourself facing charges that carry mandatory jail time. It is possible to unknowingly download illegal child pornography due to deceptive file names and the rapid-fire downloading technology employed by many peer-to-peer file sharing websites. Many dangers exist online for the individual downloading pornographic content. How Do Defendants Get Caught With Child Pornography? At Luftman, Heck & Associates, our Columbus sex crimes attorneys understand what is at stake for you and can provide you with the legal advice and intelligent defense you need at this time to ensure your rights are protected under the law.Ĭall us today at (614) 500-3836 or contact us online to set up a free, no-obligation consultation.

If you have been accused of possessing child pornography, it’s important that you obtain strong legal counsel to defend you against the charges you are facing.